This is not our usual book, but Amateur Radio has been a hobby of mine since 1987. This year I complete a book to help those who wish to enter into the hobby and go all the way to the highest class of license.
JUST THE FACTS: The Complete Study Guide For All Amateur Radio Tests: Presenting the Questions and Answers to the Technician, General, and Extra ... Exams, and the Volunteer Examiner's Test
Technician Class pool valid until June 30, 2014, General Class pool valid until June 30, 2015, Extra Class pool valid until June 30, 2016. - - Amateur Radio, or Ham radio, as most know it, is a thriving community with over 700,000 licensed operators in the U.S. Over its years of growth radio amateurs have embraced and contributed to technology in ways that stretch the imagination. Hams have been involved in technology, inventions, and events that have changed history. From the ability to transmit and receive the first images from the moon to satellite communications, Ham Radio operators have been on the cutting edge of inovation. They are an elite group, called upon in times of trouble for community service, world events, and in times of crisis. This manual was published so that you too can become part of the family of radio operators. Using this book will allow you to pass each and every test and advance to the highest level in Amateur Radio. There are no formulas to memorize, no math, and no electronics or antenna theory to learn. This manual contains the questions and answers to every pool of test questions from Technician Class to Extra Class license exams as well as the answers to the Volunteer Examiners test. Contained in this book are also hints on taking the exams as well as reviews on radio equipment that will speed you along your way to beginning or expanding your station without making costly mistakes. Simply study this manual and take each test. The answers will be leap off the page, being easily recognizable in the multiple choice tests. Then follow the suggestions on equipment for the construction of that station you have always wanted. If you are not a math wiz, if you do not understand electronic theory, or if you simply do not have time in your busy schedule to pour over math, theory, rules, and regulations, this manual is for you. Good luck 73's See you on the air. Joseph Lumpkin AB4AN