Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Angels and Demons: From Creation to Armageddon

From the book:

Angels and Demons: From Creation to Armageddon

Drawn from rare books, such as the Book of Giants, various Gnostic writings, and unique translations of First and Second Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, and many other texts, information is pieced together to create an amazing story which may answer the oldest questions mankind has asked about the nature of God, angels, and Demons.

Three times creation fell. Three times Gods declared a separation; once in heaven, once on earth, and once between the two. Three times, God's creation violated his will, so the earth and all therein suffered, or so we are told. There was a great war in heaven and Lucifer, prince of the angels, declared his intention to seize the throne of the Most High God. Fueled by arrogance and pride, he whipped up support, promising one-third of the angels a place in his new kingdom if they followed him. It was a choice to serve God or rule a piece of what would be left after heaven was destroyed. They thought it better to rule in chaos than serve in paradise. The war was on. But, his plan did not work. Even though Lucifer was the pinnacle of God's angelic creation and the greatest of all angels, he could not defeat the warrior Michael and the army that remained, for God empowered the host advancing his will. With the rage of the vanquished-prideful, Lucifer, now known as Satan, continued his attack, not against the heavenly host that had defeated him, but against the helpless creation of the God he so hated. This was to be the cause of the fall of man. Part of the heavenly host, still obedient to God, were fulfilling their appointed duties. These were called "The Watchers." They were assigned to record the deeds of man and watch over the creation, accounting for its activities. It was after the fall of the angels and after the fall of man, when mankind began to populate the earth, that the Watchers noticed the emerging beauty of the human women. These spiritual beings saw the women of the earth and wanted them. They sought to taste the love and lust that drove men. So they did, and 200 Watchers fell from the spiritual world to the baser physical realm. The consequences would literally haunt mankind forever.
Let us examine this story in it's individual sections.