A Complete Study Guide For Technician, General, Extra Class Ham Radio Exams, and the Volunteer Examiner Test: Including the Correct Answers to All ... on Basic Theory, Rules, and Regulations by Joseph Lumpkin (Oct 18, 2012)
Technician Class pool valid until June 30, 2014,
General Class pool valid until June 30, 2015,
Extra Class pool valid until June 30, 2016. - - -
Don't think of a black cat. Don't think of a black cat. Do not think of a black cat. The brain does not process negatives very well. It takes in information first and then later attempts to filter out false data. To expose someone to incorrect answers on a test is to place fraudulent information in memory and then say to the brain, "Don't remember these answers." It is for this reason the only answers you will encounter in this book are the correct ones. For those who wish to memorize only the answers, there are no formulas needed, no math, no electronics or theories to learn. This manual contains the answers to all possible questions in all tests from Technician Class, General Class and Extra Class license tests. In addition, the manual also provides the answers to the Volunteer Examiner's test. However, many people want to know why and many need a framework on which to relate the answers. That is why this book is arranged so that theories, formulas, rules, and regulations are explained in separate chapters. General theories and concepts of electronics and antenna design along with F.C.C. regulations are presented to the reader. Formulas, explanations, and diagrams from various sources give the reader all the information needed to pass the licensing tests, all in one book. This is a "two-pronged" approach. You chose the path that is best for you.